Archive by Category Projects

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Blogs, Projects / 2021-07-15 / by arpacorp

Arpacorp signed a five year contract with PAREF

ARPACORP and PAREF Shared Services IT Team during a pre-pandemic meeting. We are delighted and proud to announce that we have renewed a five (5) year contract with our long time client, Parents for Education Foundation Inc. (PAREF) last June 2021. PAREF is one of the leading educational institutions for basic education in...

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Blogs, Projects, Uncategorized / 2021-05-07 / by arpacorp

Arpacorp join hands with CGROUP

ARPACORP and CGROUP team during the contract signing for the research and development phase. Numerous businesses emerged during the pandemic, especially those that offer food and other item deliveries given our predicament. ARPACORP, being a technical solutions provider, is aiming to aid these businesses by developing...

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